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Learn Kana in a Flash
Both hiragana and katakana are composed of 46 different phonetic symbols used to represent all the possible syllables of the spoken language. You'll quickly learn to recognize and remember hiragana and katakana with our kana flashcards and reference poster.
Learn Kana
Drill Kanji anywhere you go
Kanji are the Chinese characters that comprise the heart of the Japanese writing system. You'll find our kanji flashcards an indispensible aid in efficently mastering kanji.
Learn Kanji
Read Real Japanese
Graded readers are books especially written for language learners. They employ a limited set of grammar and vocabulary which allows learners to enjoy reading without struggling. Each story includes illustrations to aid comprehension and audio of the full-text narrated by a professional Japanese voice actor.
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Japanese is among the most difficult languages for English speakers to learn, for both grammatical and cultural reasons. We suggest learning as many kanji as possible. Kanji are the Chinese characters that comprise the heart of the Japanese writing system.
The merits of learning kanji are many: first, Japanese are generally impressed when gaijin (foreigners) know any kanji, which speaks to a person's interest in learning something deep about the culture; second, kanji is everywhere in Japan, so you'll have many opportunities for interaction with Japanese - you can start a conversation virtually anywhere by asking Japanese how to read the characters; and, third, learning kanji involves the simplest and most fundamental process of rote memorization and therefore can be done with flashcards, nothing fancy, no expensive gimmicks necessary.
It generally takes years to achieve fluency in polite, business-level Japanese. However, after only a few months of intensive study one can become able to use the language in a great variety of everyday situations; such as, meeting people, shopping, dining out, and booking hotel reservations.
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